Monday, October 4, 2010

AcaciaTV Webisode 3: Finances are Forever w/ Kanye and Jay-Z

In this episode, LA Lyshaan talks about the importance of paying yourself first, big-ups the boutique The Brooklyn Circus, and discusses the money in the music of Kanye West's 'Diamonds are Forever.' If you're serious about your finances, you just hit play! Let us know what you think!

AcaciaTV Webisode 2: Bonnie and Clyde Banking w/ Jay-Z

In this webisode, LA Lyshaan breaks down life insurance and estate planning, big-ups the Brooklyn eatery The Spot, and breaks down the money in the music of Jay-z's 'Bonnie and Clyde.' Man, get your money right!!!

Get Your Money Right & They Can't Tell You Nothing, Right!!!

After Driving School for Life videos, BSB was contracted to make some webisodes for a videoblog series by  Acacia Unlimited, a financial service and consultation company based in Brooklyn. The purpose of the series is to entertain viewers while shedding some valuable light on everyday financial happenings. Each episode includes three segments: wealth building strategies, spending money in the community, and money in the music. Dopeness!!!

Lyshaan Hall, the CEO, needed nearly no acting direction, and his media consultants, Sallome Hralima and Ashley Mui, had most of the show already written out for us. This was great, as the budget was very low. BSB showed up with our GL2, lights, and sound equipment, and hammered out 4 videos in two shooting sessions. Man, what we could have done with more money and more time...

Let us know what you think, and stay tuned for the next two episodes!!!

DMV: The Infomercial

Next up for BSB, Gordon wanted something a little longer, and a little more comprehensive. We got together for a little talking head narrator footage, and combined it with footage we shot during our videographing of DSFL. Don't you wish your organization/event had an infomercial? BSB can make that happen!

As the budget was non-existent for the production end of this, we used our Canon GL2 and no lights for these segments.  Let me know what you think!!!

DMV: Drive with your passions in the passenger seat!

BSB's first project was creating a short commercial for the guru Jullien Gordon and his 'Driving School for Life.' Its a one-day self-development experience that uses a lot of the self-development wisdom out there in best-selling books, but its combined with games, videos, personal stories, and social interaction, and makes for an extremely fun time! Our west coast brother, Gordon is moving on to new projects, but stay tuned for the next DSFL near you!!!

For this project, BSB was contracted for videography and editing. We used the HVX-200B for the shoot. The bugdet was low, so some sound issues were ignored. Let us know what you think of it!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Yo-hoooo! What's the word? Welcome to BrownStar Bound's blog, BrownStar TV. You're going to get everything; better yet, err-thing, for my Atlanta folk. We'll be keeping you up-to-date with all the developments; new projects, new partners, and especially new videos! Besides all of our content, you will also find links to our website, details of our services and prices, a featured video of the moment, and more info on the creation and objectives of BrownStar Bound. 

Mixed in with all that will be commentary on the latest events of the global culture! BrownStar TV is your source for all the latest cultural topics and trends! This is going to rock your world! And its definitely your world, cause these are definitely your videos!

To move forward, here on our first blog, we will first have to move backwards. Unlike Obama, BSB knows that history creates the future, so its impossible to move forward with real direction without looking at the past. As such, our next dozen or so blogs will detail our first projects. We've done a good deal here, a couple of months after launching, so hopefully you enjoy some of that. More importantly, the future projects are already pouring in, so you're going to have a lot of great video work to go through here! So, without further ado, enjoy the blog!